art for sale

Painting Crushed Beer Can and Working Through an Art Rut

I finally finished the painting of a crushed Creemore beer can. It took about two months, a little longer that it normally would have taken me because I was in a rut. I really didn’t feel like working but what got me through it was just being consistent. Doing a little at a time, but doing it every day or close to every day.

Here are some process shots of the entire painting process for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the finished piece.

A Self Portrait and Everything But the Kitchen Sink....

I finally finished my latest self portrait. It was a fun painting to work on and opened up some potential avenues I could explore in future paintings. It also allowed me to paint things in groups. A little unsettling at times but I have to remember that I’m allowed to make mistakes and every painting doesn’t have to be a “masterpiece”!

The final piece can be seen here.
